Category: Web Professional
Communication. Fundamentals. Integrity.
Thursday, December 2nd, I will be speaking about 3 skills or traits I find most important in an employee. Priscilla Grocer from Bristol Community College, has invited me to talk to a few of her classes on important softskills for students entering the work force. I like to break it down to 3 major’s when interviewing a…
Stop Listening To Yourself
In the last month, I’ve noticed an increase of posts in the blogosphere about self-help. Recently, I posted about slowing down and cleaning up your priorities. Chris Brogan has recently said, You Are So Stupid. I would like to run with his concept on this. This week, keep a running note of the things you fight…
Thinking for the Week: Slowing Down For The Holidays
The holiday’s are fast upon us. October all but disappeared and this week we celebrate Thanksgiving. We are all very busy with our careers, families, and the inevitable shopping madness the holiday’s have become. As Web Professionals, we need to maintain a balance and continue the upkeep of the many outlets we are involved with.…
Business Tip: Team and Company Pride
This morning I was driving by a local Nissan dealership. There was a service technician outside picking up trash around their lot. It reminded me of when we were in business selling Cadillacs. Everyone in the dealership helped pick up trash and keep the facility presentable. As owners we were always getting our hands dirty…
Don’t Be A Walrus
There are many pitfalls in business. This article isn’t about the weak financials, poor sales or lack of marketing. It’s more about finding yourself and where you are leading your company. The other night, I was watching a segment on the mighty Walrus broadcasting on the Discovery channel. I watched as groups of walrus floated…
Thinking For The Weekend: What Drives You?
In this blog post, I asked you what your purpose was. Now I want to know what drives you to acheive that goal? What keeps you passionaite and in the lead of your industry? Is it the pursuit? The money? The humbling experiences? In my case, its about the building. Building business, building relationships and…