Category: Social Media
8 Tools for the (almost) daily blogger
Daily blogging is a feat I wish to accomplish at some consecutive rate in the near future. Even a 90 day stretch would feel great because I don’t think I’ll ever get a solid 365 days in like my pals Chris Lema and Tom McFarlin. So why would one want to blog every day anyway?…
Find Your Social Media Voice
The famous question: Are you using social media correctly? Everyday we’re learning how to use social media in various ways that drive results, connect with people, and build our business. Some of us are looking for a recipie for success and others are looking to take in small chunks at a time. Some will tell…
How To Turn On The New Facebook Timeline Profile
The internet is going wild over the news coming out of Facebook: F8 Developer Conference. Love it or hate it, your profile is about to change to the new Timeline layout. It seems like year after year when Zuckerberg changes something everyone is up in arms. This time is no different. I never thought I…
How To Boost Your Traffic, E-mail List, And Social Media Following Without A Blog
Are you planning to launch a new blog or website soon? If so, you may find the techniques to increase your traffic, e-mail list, and social media following all without a blog very useful. That’s right. Without. Even. Having. A. Blog. Jonathan Morrow is announcing his new blog over on Copyblogger to help guide folks in…
50 Reasons Why Your Marketing Efforts Suck
Struggling with your digital media efforts? Don’t even know what the phrase means? That’s OK – this list might help you see some of the things you are missing. If you already acknowledge the majority of this list, then you’re on the right path. The following list are possible issues you might be faced with.…
What The Hell Is Wrong With You People?
I was thinking of skipping this article until after the new year. You know, holiday niceties and all. I can’t. What the hell is wrong with you people advertising in traditional media? I’m looking at the most popular local magazine that covers my region. I’m flipping through the magazine, noticing the ad ridden pages. More than usual.…
This is NONE of your business
Looking for a consultant to help you with your business opportunities and New Media marketing efforts? Do you want it for FREE? I’m offering up free bi-weekly sessions where I work closely with small business owners, non-profit directors, or employees holding new media responsibility. Go behind closed doors for 2 weeks to brainstorm, ask questions, get tips…
Weekly Wrap: Your Marketing Sucks. Lost In Social Media. Commitment. Passion.
Get your reader apps ready for this one! This week I’m serving up a lot for you. Some in your face facts to improve your New Media marketing. How to improve your blog or web presence. Most importantly how commitment and passion plays a massive role in success. Put down your Christmas shopping list and let’s get to it!
Twitter Vs Facebook
Two powerful social media platforms. Two very different uses. Broadcast on one and create the human relationship on the other. Web Professionals should be ready to explain the differences and use them just as effectively. Are you converting Twitter followers into Facebook friends? You should. (and I’m not – yet.) What we’re learning in this…