Category: Blog

  • Creating products that empower users

    Creating products that empower users

    Five years ago we launched Conductor plugin, our very first commercial WordPress plugin, and one that (in my opinion) was too far ahead of its time. We were creating an alternative to the (then) clumsy page builder space, with an altruistic flare for “doing things the WordPress way.” Something that became more of a hindrance…

  • Paul Jarvis Company of One

    Paul Jarvis Company of One

    We’re back with another amazing episode of The Matt Report! Paul Jarvis, the author of Company of One and creator of Fathom Analytics & WPComplete, joins me to talk about his new journey of publishing a “real” book. I mean, he’s published e-books before but surely this is *more* real because it’s printed on trees…

  • What does it feel like to sell your decade-old business? Cory Miller explains.

    What does it feel like to sell your decade-old business? Cory Miller explains.

    In this episode, Matt Medeiros interviews  Cory Miller from iThemes and jokes with him as being his most interviewed guest on the Matt Report. The big news for 2018 is that Cory’s business (IThemes) was recently purchased by Liquidweb. Matt and Cory talk about the climate around WordPress, how they are working for different hosting companies,…

  • The blue-collar WordPress worker and the 2,500+ websites built to grow the CMS

    The blue-collar WordPress worker and the 2,500+ websites built to grow the CMS

    I’m not foolish enough to think that the entirety of WordPress’ growth is driven by our love for the software, but that we consultants are responsible for a sizeable portion of it. A portion that shouldn’t be ignored and one that should be welcome to the discussion more often. Under-represented. Perhaps.

  • How to disable Jetpack upsell ads

    How to disable Jetpack upsell ads



    We live in a world of monetized Jetpack. Gone are the days where commercialized plugins were looked at under a watchful microscope, and leadership at Automattic felt that charging for plugins was, well, plain wrong. Today we’re seeing Jetpack as the revenue bridge between .org and .com offerings — and a very big bridge at…

  • How to find an angel investor for small startups w/ Jason Calacanis

    How to find an angel investor for small startups w/ Jason Calacanis

    I’m excited to release this interview with Jason Calacanis during the launch of his new book, Angel: How to Invest in Technology Startups-Timeless Advice from an Angel Investor Who Turned $100,000 into $100,000,000. I’ve been a super fan of Jason since coming across his show This week in Startups when he produced it on set with black curtain…

  • My first day at Pagely

    My first day at Pagely



    I’m excited to announce that I’ve joined the growing team at Pagely. Starting today, for the first time in ten years, I have to report to someone — this guy. While the decision wasn’t easy at first, the more I talked to Sean about this role, the more I opened up to the idea of this new…

  • S5 E5: Brent Jett

    S5 E5: Brent Jett

    On today’s episode, we’re talking with Brent Jett.  Brent is a lead designer and WordPress developer at Nehmedia. He is an accomplished photographer who loves taking photos. He also loves his beagles and drinking coffee. Brent spends a lot of his time bridging the gap between good design and development at Beaver Builder during his…

  • The $715 side hustle to my side hustle

    The $715 side hustle to my side hustle



    Making an extra seven-hundred bucks isn’t keeping the lights on, but I’ll take it. Quenching the thirst of shiny-object syndrome is an on-going race of time versus effort, for me. I love the creation process, shaping new ideas into little executable nuggets that when consumed, create little ah-ha! moments for a new audience. Over the…