Category: 101
How to optimize your blog images
Speeding up your WordPress blog is super important and almost a no-brainer in today’s SEO world. One of the biggest culprits weighing us down are the featured images we use to showcase our content. It’s important to pick a great photo that lures the reader in. Great photos sometimes come with a cost in bytes…
WordPress business toolkit part 1
Running a WordPress business? Of course you are! If you’re not, you can use these services for any form of online business. In part 1, we’ll briefly cover WordPress hosting, a few plugins, and a couple or my choice productivity tools. There’s some cross compatibility from the blogging tips post, but I’ve wrapped some new context…
Pricing a WordPress product
It looks like 2014 WordPress entrepreneurial resolutions include launching new products. I’m also on that list and because of that I’ve been thinking a lot about pricing. In fact, my friend Chris recently published a new e-book, The Price is Right An Introduction to Product Pricing that I downloaded for my two-day getaway in Maine.…
Kill your (inner) critic
We’re jumping into 2014 with a fresh start and dropping all that nasty baggage. Except for you or them, the critic. You know who she is — she’s the internal voice. The critic that follows us around wherever we go. It doesn’t like the choices we make or the direction we’re heading in. Creeping around the corner at…
Blog small or go home
And just like that, it’s day 2 of your blogging daily new year’s resolution. What were your first two posts about? Were they epic and attractive to a swath of your Twitter followers? I want to help kickstart the promise you just made to yourself and your audience with a bit of advice: Blog small…
My 3 keywords for 2014
If you’re like me, it’s hard to sum up all of the little things you’re striving for in the new year. It’s all the same rhetoric to us: Lose weight Save money Have “me” time Be more organized I’ve always tried to approach every challenge, task, or situation from a 30-thousand foot view to find…
6 Killer market validation tips
Yesterday I posted 4 tips for content marketing and today I want to followup with how you can get instant market validation while that audience grows. Arguably, the methods I mention in that article will help you validate your idea with the audience on the respective channels — but even that could be a slow…
4 Content marketing tips for startups
During a pre-sale call for my consulting service, a client asked me if I did content marketing “campaigns.” Now there are PPC campaigns, impression campaigns, and even some podcasting could be looked at as a campaign — but not your overall content marketing. Here’s why: If you’re looking at content creation as as this thing you…
3 Car sales tips for the freelancer or web agency
High pressure, pushy, keep-your-keys until you sign kind of sales people. You know what I’m talking about. It’s the stigma a lot of car salesman fall prey to. Lucky for me, I never fell into that category — or at least no one ever told me. I’m in a mastermind group and the current topic…