Tag: social media
50 Reasons Why Your Marketing Efforts Suck
Struggling with your digital media efforts? Don’t even know what the phrase means? That’s OK – this list might help you see some of the things you are missing. If you already acknowledge the majority of this list, then you’re on the right path. The following list are possible issues you might be faced with.…
Twitter Vs Facebook
Two powerful social media platforms. Two very different uses. Broadcast on one and create the human relationship on the other. Web Professionals should be ready to explain the differences and use them just as effectively. Are you converting Twitter followers into Facebook friends? You should. (and I’m not – yet.) What we’re learning in this…
Weekly Wrap: Go Slow. Social Media. Present. Grow.
This week’s wrap up covers a variety of topics. I know most of you are really busy with shopping (not) so I’ll keep it light! What I Wrote Slow Down and Regroup – My weekly thinking article addressing the need to slow down and reorganize your priorities. The holiday season is the perfect time to…
Keep Your Online Presence Up (even when you’re down)
We all know how much time “staying in the loop” takes. If you’re like me, you have a daily routine that makes up your online presence. As Web Professionals, we know the importance of having all cylinders firing. Tweeting Reading new articles via RSS Updating Facebook accounts Commenting within your desired blogosphere Updating your own…
Get Off Your Ass And Sell
Earlier today I reacted to a comment by @dmscott during the #PBLS10 (twitter hash) live web feed. He made a remark about not wanting to hear about “your product” in social media. Pimping your product – I believe is how he put it. I stated, I WILL sell online – we’re in a recession! @kdpaine…
Social Media Is As Real Time Does
David Meerman Scott is killing off “Social Media”. As a respected Marketer with a new book sitting at #12 on Amazon’s list – I’d say he’s on to something. Last week, I watched him during a live webinar and he said something that sparked this article. David wants companies to go after the relationship online…