I don’t like to play favorites, but this has been one of the best interviews so far.
Cory Miller has built a massively successful WordPress business over at ithemes. In my eyes, he is the quintessential entrepreneur. He embodies talent, drive, and the desire to succeed.
If you want to learn how to get your business to the million dollar mark, strap in and get your notebook ready!
Cory Miller on building a multi million dollar business
Listen to the audio version
Every day is a new challenge
If you’re an entrepreneur or looking to grow your business — this is an amazing interview.
I’m not just talking WordPress either.
Cory is giving us advice that will work in life and in business. That’s what makes him successful. He’s seeing past clean code, optimized frameworks, dollars and cents. He’s speaking to us on a real human level. Chris Brogan would be proud.
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.
Passion is something that every single person on the team should have. The hardest part of this roller coaster ride of building a business is building that team. It’s not easy and it’s going to take it’s tolls – but the reward is amazing.
Skills can be taught, but the drive to get someone to be successful for the organization is what needs to be found. There are no rock stars, everyone is in it together.
What do you think about Cory’s story? I would love to hear your comments below.
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I hope so — these interviews are for you.
I’m now on iTunes and Stitcher radio. Search for MattReport or WordPress and you will fine my blue and red avatar. I’d love a review on iTunes, if you’re liking this stuff, won’t you drop a few stars my way?
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