Episode 36: Connecting the WordPress world via WordSesh

With so many WordCamps and new WordPress meetups cropping up it’s hard to decide where to spend your frequent flyer miles.

But, what if you don’t have to leave your couch?

By day Scott Basgaard serves happiness at WooThemes — by night he’s bringing the entire world together in a 24 hour marathon of WordPress sessions on WordSesh.org.

Pretty darn amazing if you ask me. Let’s dive in!

Scott Basgaard interview about finding a WordPress career and WordSesh

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Learn more than just what happens to the body on no sleep

Poor Scott didn’t sleep for like 72 hours with anticipation and preparation of WordSesh.

But that’s not the only thing we’re going to learn about. Scott’s a bit of a WordPress career globetrotter. He’s going to share his story about finding that first gig, to working at one of the largest growing WordPress companies — two of them.

“If you feel like everyday, you don’t enjoy what you’re doing, you need to make a change.” — Scott Basgaard

Something I didn’t know going into the interview, Scott also worked for a large media site in the corporate world. It paid well and he learned a lot, but it wasn’t making him happy.

If you’re just starting out, it’s important you know what you’re capable of and the value you bring to the table.

A worldwide entrepreneur

I think Scott’s goal is tremendous.

He’s putting together a global audience in a format we’ve never seen before. Producing something like this on such a scale and have it launch for the first time with very little blunder is an accomplishment on it’s own. Overtime, WordSesh will be one of the WordPress events to attend.

What do you think?

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2 responses to “Episode 36: Connecting the WordPress world via WordSesh”

  1. Brad Williams Avatar
    Brad Williams

    Great interview with Scotty B! It’s so awesome to see how far we’ve all come in just a few short years.

  2. scottbasgaard Avatar

    Thanks again Matt. Was a pleasure to be on the show and keep up the great work here!

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