Shane is the man.
I tried to get him on the show a while back but our schedule’s didn’t line up. This past weekend, he ran on the business track at WordCamp San Francisco 2013.
Moderated by Matt Mullenweg and joined by past guest Brad Williams and future guest Jake Goldman Shane shared his knowledge on maturing from freelancer to agency. A topic we cover a lot on the Matt Report and a journey that a lot of us take a blind leap into.
Before the talk began, he dropped a knowledge bomb of links that I’ve gathered here for our consumption.
Thanks Shane!
There’s a lot to sift through here so make sure you’ve got a full cup of coffee and some time on your hand.
Or bookmark and come back later — you decide!
The Shane & Peter inc Contract
It Doesn’t Matter What Your Contract Says if They Don’t Understand It.
This is a few years old now, but still a great resource if you’re putting together your first contract. I really like line 1.12 covering Response Time.
Have a contract template you would like to share?
Making money with WordPress
Sounds just like this very podcast doesn’t it? Recorded a couple of years ago, Shane talks with a panel of folks at SXSW about making money in the premium market of WordPress.
Working remotely with a new baby
Can’t say I have experience with this yet, but I do know that it’s certainly something that will take some balancing. How do you deal with it now?
What should I charge?
The #1 question I get and apparently Shane covers a lot too. Watch this video to explore the strategies he uses.
I love the back story of launching his business to cover his mortgage.
The art & science of WordPress premium
Just over a year old but totally worth the click through. The Wild West reference is epic and commoditization of byproduct is something I last saw covered from the likes of 37Signals.
Team Trip to Cabo San Lucas 2013
A reason to join the team?
RFP: Love ’em or Leave ’em
Can I make a buddy?
So this.
Marry your clients
For better or for worse — literally.
My client’s know a lot about me and I know a lot about them. I even reach out to our theme clients, research them as best I can and introduce myself on a personal level.
Client’s make our world go round.
The Freelance Primer
First, where was this when I started 5 years ago? Second, sweet slides. 🙂
Master Services Agreement
Another great template you can review if you’re hiring a freelancer or if you’re exploring what is expected of you.
Is there life after freelancing?
Shane get’s around doesn’t he?
Subcontracting freelancers
Personality often matters more than talent.
Totally agree with this. If they aren’t clear of your mission or work well within your core beliefs you’re in for some trouble.
Creating an agency: Getting freelancers to work with you
Pretty much sums it all up.
So yea, you know, I’m going to try and get this All-star on the show.
Know him? Hit him up on Twitter and remind him to do an episode!
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