I had the chance to interview one of my favorite WordPress personas on Twitter Curtis McHale.
I’ve been following Curtis for a while and just love the type of content he puts out. If you make a career out of using WordPress or a Freelancer in general you should read his blog and follow him on Twitter.
If you want to learn how to scale from the small $500 sites, raise your rates, and fire your bad clients — continue on to watch the interview!
Watch the interview with Curtis McHale
Listen to the audio version
As you will learn in this interview, he’s a self proclaimed “great ranter.” He expresses his thoughts, opinions, and experiences loud and clear. He also has the clout to backup his hard work ethic and passion for WordPress development. Hailing from outside of Vancouver Curtis makes a living developing WordPress sites and apps — he’s stopped by for an interview to share his thoughts with the rest of us.
If you like what he had to say, please thank him!
Thoughts on episode #2 of the MattReport
This is only my second interview and I’m viciously studying other mediapreneurs out there to improve my content.
I’m not happy with my lack of asking the right questions, talking too much, and rushing the guest into new segments without feeling that the last question was properly expanded upon.
I’ve still got the um’s and ah’s and I hope to start working on those. If you like or don’t like something I do in the interview, please let me know in the comments!
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