Friend of the show Cory Miller returns after recently joining us last season, to talk about starting again.
I’ve always enjoyed Cory’s outlook on life and business so hearing how he’s approaching the new journey just a short year after joining Liquid Web was a reminder that you should never let go of the fundamentals. Jobs, careers, products — they’re just chapters in our lives. Often times, you can feel overwhelmed that your business or your career defines you as a person inside and out. While that’s fine when things are skyrocketing to new heights, it’s a critical challenge for those not blessed with such luck.
I’m excited to see what Cory does next and he’s looking for a little help along the way. Head over to his website and drop him a line or two about what you think he should pursue. Have a killer idea and looking for a partner? Maybe Cory is your guy.
Enjoy today’s episode.
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