Shawn Hesketh is the creator of WP101, an online library and learning resource, for WordPress.
When you don’t want to spend the time training your clients, or answering the pesky support e-mails, you use a service like WP101. Shawn and his team tirelessly script, record, edit, produce, and publish top-notch training materials for the newcomer to the WordPress world.
Sounds like easy money to me.
Interview with Shawn Hesketh of WP101
Open up your favorite screen recorder, dust off you headset, press record and the money flows in — right?
Not so fast.
If you’re looking to earn a living teaching WordPress, even supporting it, today’s episode is an absolute gold mine — or mine field, depending on your perspective — for the eager entrepreneur.
Shawn brings a boat load of business acumen, and a down to Earth approach to making a living in this space. The inside baseball of it all is pretty darned interesting, too. Like, what happened when Shawn expanded to a Spanish version of the product? Tripled his audience? Quadrupled his revenue? You’ll have to tune-in to find out. 🙂
I hope you enjoy this episode, and don’t forget to thank Shawn on Twitter — and our sponsors (they made this possible!) — Pagely & Valet!
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