Some of the best conversations I’ve had with WordPress entrepreneurs are those coming from a military background.
Embrace the suck is a phrase that today’s guest Nathan Hangen introduced me to as we talked about his time serving and his journey of building Ignition Deck.
There’s a lot to learn in this episode so I want you to dive right in and enjoy.
Interview with Nathan Hangen of Ignition Deck
Listen to the audio version
Want to hear the Pro only clip? Join Matt Report Pro
There’s a challenge in everything
This is the undercurrent of the interview.
It’s no easy task to start a business, promote your product and continue to grow. Embrace the suck as Nathan warns us. We explore what Nathan and his team had to do to launch his product while battling off cease and desist letters, including the usual the organic growth issues.
One question I was always curious about — How do you price a plugin that enables folks to raise millions? Hit play for the answer 🙂
From there, we move into discussing how he handles features, upgrades and new product launches. If you find yourself going in 100 directions, you’re not alone and hopefully this interview helps you deal with that pressure.
I’m going to go on record that this is one of the best interviews I’ve done. There’s so much good discussion here. Don’t miss it.
Matt Report Pro
I recorded this episode WAY back in October when I first started outlining a Pro version. I mention in the interview the URL is /register but it’s actually /join — sorry about that!
I’m going to release another post diving into the features of a Pro version, but for now here’s what you’re getting:
- Members only WordPress entrepreneurs forum
- Access to the Pro segments that I record with each guest (including Nathan!)
- Monthly training/webinar calls about various topics
- Monthly ProCasts that are special episodes with some of the top WordPress experts
- Access to myself and my guests prior to the interview
This month’s ProCast is with Chris Lema, Tom McFarlin and Pippin Williamson! It’s over an hour of talk about finding better clients, scaling your business and increasing your rates.
So if you want more Matt Report content, the Pro plan is the place to be. If you simply want to support my efforts, this is another great way to show your support. This does not mean I’m going to stop the podcast or hold back from creating great FREE content for you. By monetizing I can build a better product, hire staff and serve you in new endeavors.
Again, you can signup for the Pro membership with a special discount (For the next 30 days) here: http:
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