I’m really excited to sit down and chat with the developer of wpForGlass, a WordPress plugin for publishing via Google Glass.
When the news broke, the first thing that came to my mind was, “Who is Ozzy Farman and this agency Weber Shandwick?”
Why is that important? In my humble opinion, this type of plugin is forward thinking. We’re not talking about another social share plugin or can someone theme the admin better — this is the practice of fusing two great technologies together for the enhancement of publishing.
Why didn’t innovation like this come from one of the “well known” WordPress agencies? Should it have? We’ll learn about that and more in episode 57!
Interview with Ozzy Farman of Weber Shandwick
Video quality isn’t that good while recording via a hangout
Listen to the audio version
Publishing with WordPress
This isn’t the only foray into fusing technologies with WordPress. John Saddington is doing this with photography and his iOS app Pressgram.
I still feel that we’ve yet to really harness the potential of using WordPress as a publishing platform for individuals and large media organizations alike. WordPress is poised to be the central hub for an individual’s social publishing — not Facebook, not Twitter — your WordPress blog.
You own the data, the traffic and you call the shots. Look for innovative plugins like this to heighten this experience over the next year.
The Business of big agency
This wouldn’t be a Matt Report episode without talking business.
Ozzy shares some insight into the 300 person PR agency(there’s 300+ in the NY office) Weber Shandwick, that fronted this open source plugin development. I did some research before the show and their landing some rather large deals. With deals reaching intp the multi-millions, Ozzy explains how we should position our own sales pitch. Some great advice for us to elevate from the $500, $5000, and into the $50,000 projects.
Takeaway: Telling a story
You know what is great about WordPress? It allows us to tell a story.
We can draft short posts, long form content, or publish a podcast. Now, with Google Glass integration, telling a story becomes easier than ever. Ozzy views the investment in this technology as paying it forward for future client relations. You might not be able to walk into a Best Buy and pickup a Google Glass today, but you can be assured that when your media team is looking for an agency to deploy 100’s of them for a big media push — Ozzy will get the call.
Welcome to the community
Welcome to the community Ozzy!
I mentioned that his agency isn’t one of those we normally hear of in the halls of a WordCamp — at least, I haven’t.
So when he announced his project on Github, he was really surprised to find that WordPress folks were helping him out and guiding him to do it the “WordPress way.” It was great to get that first person perspective on our little community.
Grab the wpForGlass plugin here: http://labs.webershandwick.com/wpforglass/2013/10/27/introducing-wpforglass/
The featured image was taken by Ozzy on his Google Glass device!
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