Thinking for the Weekend: 3 Tools To Keep You Organized

As Fall descends upon us in New England, we’re all back to work. Back to work at brainstorming and planning new ideas for the winter. At Slocum Design Studio, we’re mapping out our plans for Social Media Marketing. At Meganet Communications, we’re outlining a new plan for affiliate and reseller programs.

How Do I Organize My Ideas?

  • Evernote – A popular note taking tool that I can’t live without. As many of you know, SDS developed a plugin for WordPress for users of Evernote.
  • Basecamp – A web based project management tool that simplifies all the little details in life. I replace meetings, e-mails, conference calls and endless to-do’s with Basecamp.
  • Dropbox – A file sharing management app to sync files across many platforms including Windows, Mac, iPhone, and iPad. I use this to share files with team members and my many systems.

Now that you are back into full swing – how do you keep your ideas and projects organized?
[Photo Credit]


2 responses to “Thinking for the Weekend: 3 Tools To Keep You Organized”

  1. Hi Matt,

    This is definitely a cool implementation in Drupal. Is the code available for download or sale? I tried sending a message via contact form but no reply.


    1. Matt Medeiros Avatar
      Matt Medeiros

      Sorry this reply went to an old cached page and I just noticed it!

      I do on occasion make the code available to purchase. I just ask that you have extensive knowledge of Drupal to support it and maintain it.

      Glad you like it!

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