The greatest reward from starting the Matt Report podcast are the new relationships I’ve made.
I get e-mail’s like this all the time:
“Are you getting qualified leads from the podcast?”
“How is the conversion rate to your newsletter?”
“What’s it like being a WordPress celebrity?”
Humbled by the 3rd, but I reserve that for the true stars.
No folks, it’s not about visitor growth, leads and subscribers — it’s about you and me. Me introducing you to others and you paying it forward. So don’t just stand there with your hands out — get to helping.
You get what you give
A testimonial
Recently I asked Tom McFarlin to hook me up with a video testimonial for a new project I’m working on.
Would he have done that if we never chatted about being a professional WordPress developer?
What if I didn’t stay in touch with him and our daily antics via Twitter?
Probably not.
Today he asked me for a testimonial of his own — of course I obliged.
A Mastermind
A little over a year ago I met Brian Casel at WordCamp Providence 2012.
We’ve stayed in touch and I’ve interviewed him about his SaaS business.
We’re two like minded individuals who have supported each’s efforts online. Sharing a Tweet here, a blog post there and creating dialogue for others. Today, we’re forming a new Mastermind for small agencies and startups.
Stay in touch, because you just don’t know what will happen.
In just over 2 weeks’ I’ll be at PressNomics thanks to Chris Lema.
We sparked some dialogue over on his blog and then met at WordCamp Chicago 2012. He’s one of the good guys, doing great things for the community.
Again, we’re similar dude’s helping out WordPress entrepreneurs and supporting efforts across the board. Still wondering how I’ll pay it forward for him, but I’ll cross that road when I get there.
I leave you with this
People who come to lend a hand get a lot more in life than those who come with their hands out.
— Chris Brogan/Chief of Staff (@chrisbrogan) October 2, 2013
How are you changing the world around you?
Can you help one person or a million?
I started with one and I’m shooting for a million. Create, share, and make connections. You’ll be a better person for it.
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