The Summer is here and everyone is making sure their yards look great.
How is your Digital Landscape going?
Do you run a blog, tweet, or promote a website? Are you a photographer with a gallery, a chef with a digital recipe guide, or a marketer with a following?
We all have our own Digital Landscape.
This post is to remind us to get a good look at our hard labor from time to time and remind ourselves that we’re doing great things.
Define Your Digital Landscape
Don’t get too micro about this.
Don’t name every flower, hedge or wood chip you put into your landscape. Typically, you define it by the front yard or the back yard. So do the same in your digital world.
There are fifty-million landscapes being thrown your way on a daily basis – try and think of yours in a very broad sense.
Are you developing landscapes for business? Are you trying show off for personal achievement?
What’s your landscape?
I run a blog.
I own a website.
I maintain a photo gallery.
I tweet on twitter.
Whatever it is, let’s stand on the side walk and take a look at it. Take it all in.
Are You Happy With Your Digital Landscape?
Again, keep the micro out. Paint your perfect picture with broad brush strokes.
Don’t worry about bounce rates, followers, or likes.
Are you happy?
Remember why you do what you do. Are you still doing it?
Does or has at least one person benefit from your landscape?
Do you enjoy landscaping your landscape?
At the end of the day, are you proud of your landscape?
Chances are if you answered these questions in a positive light, you’ve got something going for you. Save the analytical jargon and micro managment of success of your landscape for the winter time. That’s when we are stuck in doors and the sunsets early.
What’s The Point Of This?
It’s practice.
Practice to remind ourselves that sometimes we’re on the right track. Even when you get stuck over analyzing every move and feel like you’re trying to move a mountain – take a step back. If you’re hitting small milestones, if people are checking out your landscape, or it’s satisfying for you to do the landscaping…
You have something.
Small or large. Easy or complex. Polished or rough. It’s yours to nurture. Get out there and show the world what you can do with your digital landscape!
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